Part-time Paraprofessional
Job Type

Provide supplemental instructional support to eligible students.

ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES include the following. Other duties may be assigned.

  • Deliver interventions to students based on the instructional plans developed by the Title I Teacher and/or the General Education Teacher. Interventions may include support in the form of small group and/or individualized instruction, tutoring, guided practice, or other techniques, as guided by the teacher.
  • Report back to the Title I Teacher and/or General Education Teacher on the outcomes of the interventions conducted by keeping daily student outcome reports
  • Administer assessments and screeners that will contribute to the teachers' decisions in regards to:

-Determining eligibility for entry into Title I program

-Creating appropriate interventions


-Exiting students from the Title I program

  • May attend parent/teacher conferences as needed to support the teacher in communicating with parents about student performance, behavior, or other topics.
  • Maintain student files as requested and required by the needs of federal, state and local guidelines to track student progress. Maintain the confidentiality of student records and student information.
  • Maintain activity logs and time and effort documentation that comply with regulatory requirements
  • Maintain constant communication with Title I Teachers and General Education Teachers regarding the progress of and concerns about Title I students
  • May serve as an active member of teams such as RTI team, data team, PBS team, school improvement team, etc.
  • Assist the teacher in communicating and upholding behavior and conduct expectations found in the school-wide behavior management plan; assist in maintaining a safe and secure environment in the classroom.
  • Other duties as assigned.

  • Complete at least two years of study at an accredited institution of
  • higher education (equal to 60 semester hours); or
  • Obtain an associate's degree (or higher) from an accredited institution; or
  • Meet a rigorous standard of quality and demonstrate, through passage
  • of an approved formal state academic assessment in the following
  • areas:
    • Knowledge of, and the ability to assist in, instructing reading,
    • writing, and mathematics; or
    • Knowledge of, and the ability to assist in, instructing reading
    • readiness, writing readiness, and mathematics readiness, as
    • appropriate.

The State Board of Education approved the following formal assessments by

which a paraprofessional may choose to demonstrate this knowledge:

  • Basic Skills Examination MTTC - A passing score of at least 480 on the

evidence-based reading and writing section of the SAT and 530 on the

mathematics section in lieu of the Basic Skills Test or Professional

Readiness Exam

  • ETS Parapro Assessment - A passing score of 460 is required

While no longer available, the following assessments would also provide


  • WorkKeys®-Required Scores:
  • Reading for Information – 4; and
  • Applied Mathematics – 4; and
  • Writing – 3 (Business Writing was NOT approved)


· Evidence of successful experience in student and parent relations as evidenced through prior experience in personal or professional settings.

· Demonstrated proficiency in an instructional support capacity, as acquired through prior experience in tutoring, teaching or similar work experience.

· Willingness to learn

· Flexible

· Knowledge of and the ability to assist in instructing reading, writing, and mathematics as appropriate