Student Worker- Interfaith Club- 4 Roles
Student Worker- Greenville University Student Worker

All positions are part of a team that will work collaboratively with Dr. McClain and her assistant to advance the mission of Interfaith Club. Weekly planning meetings will be held with the leadership team, as well as weekly meetings for the larger organization. The leadership team will be responsible for these meetings and will work together to plan and hold events and programming on campus. The leadership team is expected to identify needs on GU's campus and to devise programming that will meet these needs.

Chaplain - The Chaplin’s role is to care and advocate for the spiritual concerns of those who are in Interfaith Club as well as those who are overlooked on GU's campus (i.e. those who do not claim a Christian identity or who do not feel at home in the dominant expression of Christianity on campus). Spiritual formation programming facilitated by this person will happen primarily through an official small group sanctioned by the Office of Spiritual Formation for students who need a unique space to explore spirituality. This person will cooperate with other groups on campus such as Vespers, The Office of Spiritual Formation, and GSGA to explore ways Interfaith Club can meet the needs of our diverse campus. This person should be willing to listen thoughtfully to diverse voices and think creatively and compassionately. This person will be called upon to speak in front of groups and to cooperate with the rest of the team to produce PR and educational materials and events. This person will carry the lead in programming focused on spiritual care and will often introduce people and events.

Events Coordinator -Skills in organization and communication are important for this position. The Events Coordinator should be able to communicate to outside audiences about who Interfaith Club is.. They should be sensitive to the delicate issues surrounding communication about religion, race, sexuality, etc. They will create promotional materials, social media posts, emails, work with logos, and printed materials. They will also be in charge of reserving spaces and coordinating other details pertaining to event planning. The Media Coordinator, as a representative of Interfaith Club, will participate in the Interfaith Club Leadership Team, and will play a role in guiding the club in the direction most needed by our community.

Education Coordinator - The Education Coordinator shows dedication to supporting the educational aspect of Interfaith work. This person should have some experience studying religion and diversity, strong research and writing skills, and be willing to lead and speak in front of small and large groups. They will also be called upon to cooperate with the rest of the team to produce PR and educational materials and events. This person will carry the lead in educational programming, introducing people and events, and joining Dr. McClain as the public facing personas of the organization.


Must be a GU undergraduate student enrolled in 6+ credit hours.