Health Science Adjunct - Microbiology - Online
Fully Remote Remote, TN Health Science

South College invites capable, energetic, outgoing, applicants who are focused on transforming lives of our customers/students! At South College, you will help implement our strategy of “Where Dreams Find Direction!” We are one of the nation’s fastest growing institutions of higher learning with over 6,000 students covering 7 campuses and Online learning sites. We are also one of nation’s highest producers of licensed healthcare professionals offering a myriad of undergraduate and graduate healthcare programs for our students. It is the initial care, concern, passion, and expertise of our Admissions Team that helps get them to these career goals! Come join us in these exciting efforts!

Course content encompasses the fundamental concepts and principles of microbiology which include, but are not limited to, the following topics: introduction of the students to microorganisms with particular emphasis on their role in health, wellness, and disease. Economic, social, and cultural issues related to utilization, control, and research of the monera, protista, fungi, bacteria, and viruses are also considered 

The laboratory course has been designed to be taken concurrently with, and to supplement the subject matter covered in the lecture. Virtual or at-home assignment have been integrated into the laboratory course. The lecture and laboratory have separate course codes but together constitute a single course for teaching load (i.e. one Microbiology Lecture and one Microbiology Laboratory count as one course). 


Candidates must show evidence of the following:

• A minimum of an acceptable master’s degree in the specific subject matter field (doctorate preferred) or an earned master’s or doctoral degree and satisfactory completion of 18 graduate semester hours in subject matter field and

• Experience teaching similar courses at a higher education institute.  

• Preference will be given to candidates with experience teaching online.