CCAE Intern
Job Type
California Center for the Arts, Escondido Foundation Internship Program 


The goal of this program is to provide students with hands-on learning experience in a safe environment where the student is supervised and mentored by a professional in the student’s field of interest. The internship is meant to be a learning experience for the student through guidance and supervision throughout the program.  


Our internships offer students the opportunity to:

  • Explore career opportunities: by working in the field you have chosen, you can receive an inside look at your potential career path, gain valuable experience, and an opportunity to build your resume. 
  • Gain hands-on skills: no matter the internship, you will gain insight into a career field and skills that often transfer to other disciplines.
  • Network: meet a variety of professionals in your chosen field through your internship, allowing you to form relationships you can build on in the future.
  • Find Mentors: we value all of our interns and go the extra mile to make sure you receive a learning experience that fits your career goals. 

Internship Opportunities:

1. Marketing Intern  (Social Media Specialist, Graphic Design, Grassroots Marketing)

2. Philanthropy Intern (Database Management, Fundraising, Donor Events)

3. Performing Arts Intern (Community Events and Front of House) 

4. Technical Production Intern (Lighting, Sound, Setup)

5. Museum & Education Intern (Marketing, Administrative, Visitor Services, Exhibits)

6. Conference Center Intern (Event Planning, Food Service, Culinary)

7. Other

For additional information, refer to the Internship Description. 



Internship Guidelines and Requirements: 

1. The internship must be an extension of the classroom. It must not be simply to advance the operations of the Center or be the work that a regular employee would routinely perform. The internship position should allow the student to apply knowledge gained in the classroom or experience gained from previous internships. 

2. The skills or knowledge learned in the internship must be transferable to other employment settings. Through this internship, the intern should be learning skills that can easily be taken to other internships or other employers.  

3. Define learning objectives/goals related to the professional goals of the student’s academic coursework. The internship mentor/supervisor may choose to create their own learning objectives for the position, but also be ready and willing to work with the intern to identify their own professional goals for the experience. The school will also identify learning objectives for each student. 

4. There will be supervision by a professional with expertise and educational and/or professional background in the field of the experience. The mentor/supervisor will be accessible to the intern throughout the duration of the internship. This person will also provide guidance to the intern, offer feedback on tasks they did well, and on areas of improvement. 

5. Resources and equipment to be provided by the mentor/supervisor. Interns will be provided with the tools, resources and equipment needed to perform their tasks.

6. Attendance and On-Site Time Records. Interns must notify their supervisor if he/she will be absent for the day or when running late. Excessive absenteeism and late attendance may result in discharge. The school will assign time sheets for interns to complete as instructed. Time sheets will be used to track hours and will need to be signed and approved by the supervisor. 

7. Transportation. Mentors/Supervisors are not allowed to transport interns. Interns should not be asked to drive to run errands for company business, a regular employee should handle this. 

8. Work Permits. Interns under the age of 18 must have a work permit from their school authorizing them to participate in the internship. Work permits should be turned in to HR prior to the start of their internship. 

Salary Description
Unpaid Internship; may be credit eligible