Online Adjunct Faculty-Unmanned Technology
Fully Remote Remote Worker - N/A
Job Type

Did you know you can teach for our institution without leaving your current job? At Sonoran Desert Institute (SDI), our flexible class schedules mean you can teach for us part-time without interrupting your full-time career. That’s because we want faculty members who can bring their real-world practical experience into the online classroom. As a DEAC accredited school, SDI’s mission is to provide students with current, industry-driven, quality education, delivered through online distance education and practical applications. SDI is an employee-owned company creating a culture with an ownership mentality at the foundation. We believe in rewarding our employees through the success of the company. Come be a part of a dynamic organization with the ability to impact the lives of others through education


Remote part-time adjunct faculty position providing instruction in an online classroom in the following unmanned technology subjects: unmanned aircraft systems fundamentals; flight test and evaluation; and aviation management to students who are earning a college level certificate in Unmanned Technology-Aerial Systems. In this part-time role, adjunct faculty will integrate their educational and practical experiences into facilitating the course material within an online classroom. It is the responsibility of the adjunct faculty to create excellence in the online classroom by providing students with quality instruction and support as they progress through their educational journey.

Essential Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Maintain teaching assignments in accordance to established faculty requirements and responsibilities
  • Provide academic interaction in an asynchronous Online classroom environment with students 5 days a week through threaded discussions, posted instructor guidance, and assignment feedback
  • Provide student support through email, phone and within the Learning Management System
  • Grade and provide timely constructive and detailed feedback on student work to assists students in achieving academic success
  • Foster a positive environment in which students are encouraged to be actively engaged in the classroom discussion and learning process
  • Meet professional obligations through efficient work habits such as: meeting deadlines, honoring schedules, coordinating resources and meetings in an effective and timely manner, and demonstrating respect for others
  • Maintain effective and efficient record keeping
  • Collaborate with peers to enhance the instructional environment
  • Serve as consultant on the development of curricular materials as needed


  • Bachelor’s degree or higher in any STEM related discipline or aviation
  • Two years or more experience working with or flying drones in one of the following: military; commercial or public safety missions; or for an industry- recognized drone pilot training company with specific experience in aviation management, flight testing and evaluation or unmanned systems fundamentals
  • Current FAA 14 CFT Part 107 Remote Pilot in Command Certificate
  • Two years or more experience teaching or training adult learners