Chief Financial Officer
Job Type


The CFO is responsible for establishing, managing, and leading financial initiatives and integrity across the organization through cost-efficient processes and procedures. Among their many responsibilities, the CFO must decide where to invest company funds, oversee the capital structure and optimal financing options for the company, provide strategic direction, as well as track cash flow, manage the accounting and finance departments, and ensure the company’s financial reports are timely and accurate. 

The CFO will have a day-to-day, ongoing impact on company operations, helping us to analyze, strategize, and grow our financial position. This seasoned strategist not only will understand current accounting practices and trends, but also will have experience raising capital and adapting to change, whether it’s through growth or downsizing. As a Board of Director member, the CFO will be comfortable in a leadership role that requires clear and effective communication skills across the organization that will allow them to collaborate cross functionally.


The CFO is ultimately responsible for the solid financial position of the company and beneath that concern are the following responsibilities: 

1. The formulation of standard policies for the Accounting Department, and all other departments when it comes to financial control. 

2. The overall direction and supervision of the firm’s yearly budget, as well as income tax reporting. It is incumbent upon the Treasurer to keep the President fully informed of all developments regarding tax status and the yearly budget. 

3. Maintain productive and cordial relationships with banks and other lending institutions.

4. Responsible for the prudent handling of all company financial assets, including stocks, bonds, money market accounts, and other valuable commodities. 

5. Responsible for the acquisition of all property and casualty insurance, and for setting limits and coverages.

6. Develop and implement continuous improvement efforts and tools to ensure a well-controlled yet flexible organization that has strong fiscal management, project coordination, cross-team communications, and workflow.

7. To maintain all records of the Board of Directors. 

8. To be the agent of the corporation for legal process and be signatory for the corporations for all documents requiring Board certification or authorization. 

9. Collaborate with the President and BOD with any long-range planning or financial strategy reports.

10. Execute all other associated responsibilities as directed. 

CFO Specific

1. Financial Statements-Annual: Furnish to Board of Directors, within 75 days after the end of each fiscal year of the Corporation, a financial statement of the Corporations’ profit and loss and surplus for such fiscal year and a balance sheet as of the end of such fiscal year, in each case setting forth in comparative form the corresponding figures for the preceding fiscal year, all in reasonable detail.

2. Financial Statements-Other: Furnish to Board of Directors each financial statement for each closing during each fiscal year. 

3. Property: Maintain and keep all property in good repair, working order and condition and make or cause to be made all necessary or appropriate repairs, renewals, replacements, substitutions, additions, betterments, and improvements thereto so that the efficiency of all such properties shall at all times be properly preserved and maintained. 

4. Taxes and Assessments: Duly pay and discharge all taxes, assessments and governmental charges levied upon or assessed against Corporation or against Corporation’s properties or income prior to the date on which penalties are attached thereto, unless and except to the extent only that such taxes, assessments and charges shall be contested in good faith and by appropriate proceedings diligently conducted by the Corporation and provided that such reserve or their appropriate provisions, if any, as shall be required by generally accepted accounting principles shall have been made therefore. 

5. Litigation: Promptly give notice in writing to Board of Directors of the occurrence of any material litigation, arbitration or governmental proceeding affecting Corporation, and of any governmental investigation or labor dispute pending or threatened which could reasonably be expected to interfere substantially with normal operations of the business of Corporation or materially adversely affect the financial condition, business, or operations of Corporation.

6. Books and Records: Maintain and keep proper records and books of account in conformance with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a consistent basis in which full, true and correct entries shall be made of all Corporations dealings and business affairs. 

7. Other Obligations: Maintain all obligations of Corporation in whatsoever manner incurred, including but not limited to obligations for borrowed money or for services or goods purchased by Corporation.

8. Compliance with Laws: Comply, and shall cause any subsidiary to comply, with all laws, and all regulations or orders issued pursuant thereto, including but not limited to ERISA, the IR Code, any applicable occupational, and health or safety law, environmental protection or pollution control law or hazardous waste or toxic substance management, handling, or disposal law. 

9. Insurance: Keep all insurable property, real and personal, now owned or hereafter acquired, always insured against loss or damage by fire and extended coverage risks and other hazards of the kinds customarily insured against and in amounts customarily carried by businesses engaged in comparable businesses and comparably situated; effect all such insurance under valid and enforceable policies issued by insurers of recognized responsibility not unacceptable to Board of Directors.

10. Investments: Not purchase, own, invest in or otherwise acquire, directly or indirectly, any stock or other securities, or make or permit to exist any investment of capital contribution or acquire any permit to exist any loans or advances, for such purposes except for investments in direct obligations of the United States of America or any agency thereof, obligations guaranteed by the United States of America, certificates of deposit issued by a bank or trust company organized under the laws of the United States, or any state thereof, or marketable securities which are publicly traded on a nationally recognized market. 

11. Patents: Preserve and protects its patents, franchises, licenses, trademarks, trademark rights, tradenames, tradename rights, and copyrights used or useful in the conduct of its business. 

12. Guarantees and Contingencies: Not endorse, assume, guarantee, become surety for, or otherwise become or remain liable in connection with the obligations of any person, firm or corporation, except, Corporation may endorse negotiable or other instruments for deposit or collection or similar transactions in the ordinary course of its business. 

13. Transactions with Affiliates: Not enter into any transaction, including, without limitation, the purchase, sale, leasing or exchange of property, real or personal, or the rendering of any service, with any person, firm or corporation affiliated with Corporation, except in the ordinary course of business and upon fair and reasonable terms, no less favorable to the Corporation than would be obtained in a comparable arm’s-length transaction with any other person, firm or corporation not affiliated with Corporation. 

14. Pre-Tax Interest Coverage: Maintain a minimum ratio or Corporation’s Earning Before Interest Expense and Taxes to Interest Expense at all times of at least 2:1.

The Secretary/Treasurer of the Board is ultimately responsible for the safekeeping of all documents related to corporate decisions and for the coordination of all legal matters of the corporation, and beneath that concern are the following responsibilities: 

1. Maintain accurate and complete minutes of the Board of Director’s meetings.

2. Oversee all correspondence relating to all legal matters and refer appropriate matters to outside counsel.

3. Serve as Plan Administrator for both Defined Benefit Pension Plan, the Employee Stock Ownership Plan and all Welfare Benefit Plans.

4. Serve as a Trustee for the Employee Stock Ownership Trust. 

5. Act as agent for legal service for the firm.

6. Execute all documents and agreements on behalf of the company, as authorized by the Board.

7. Serve as a member of the Labor Negotiating Committee.

8. See that all physical properties and office environments are kept in good, safe working condition.

9. Perform other duties that may be necessary in the best interests of the company. 

10. Report directly and immediately to the President on any emergency matters. Keep him informed on all pending issues. 


Job Requirements:

Educational Qualifications:

· Bachelor’s degree in accounting, business management and law, or related field; MBA or CPA preferred. 

· Minimum 10 years’ experience in a prior leadership and management position within finance, accounting, or treasury.

· High level of proficiency and experience with ERP software NetSuite, Excel, Microsoft Business Intelligence software. 

· Excellent leadership skills, with steadfast resolve and personal integrity.

· Exceptional verbal, written, and visual communication skills.

· Understanding of advanced accounting, regulatory issues, and tax planning.

· Working knowledge of how to raise capital outside traditional lines of credit.

· Strong analytical and problem-solving skills are required to quickly grasp issues impacting the site’s financial results. 

· Strong IT aptitude is needed to deliver effective desktop reporting, utilize business tools, and provide effective presentation of information.